CAS No.: | 8002-33-3 |
Molecular Weight: | ---------- |
Chemical Formula | ---------- |
Turkey Red Oil (TRO) or Sulfated Castor Oil is the only oil that will completely disperse in water. The oil is expressed from the seed. Sulfated castor oil is created by adding sulfuric acid to castor oil and is considered the first synthetic detergent. Turkey Red Oil has a distinct and heavy scent. It is a surfactant and therefore makes a wonderful base for a bath oil as it mixes well with water, producing a milk bath. Turkey Red Oil is a de-foaming and wetting agent that is widely used across different industries like Rubber Industries, Textile, Leather Chemical Manufacturing, Leather Tanning, etc. It is miscible in water giving milky emulsion. In cosmetics it is used as humectants and as an Emulsifier for Oil Bath.
Specifications of Turkey red oil or Sulfated castor oil: