CAS No.: | yy |
Molecular Weight: | yy g/mol |
Chemical Formula | yy |
Soy sauce powder or Soya sauce powder is naturally fermented soy sauce with salt, spray dried. It provides a light tan, free flowing powder that is soluble in water. It hass a mild authentic flavor and aroma of soy sauce. It is used in various sauces, food dressings , masalas, soups & other food recipes as a flavor enhancer and as a vehicle for seasonings. Soya sauce offers more of meaty, smoked, umami flavor suitable for chicken soups. Soya sauce is also used in salad dressing, vegetable sauces, soup bases , barbecue sauces plant protein beverages, cold-drinks and cold food to enhance the mouth fullness. Soya sauce used in seasonings as a base. Also specifically used in all type of soups, snack seasonings, taste makers. With our sophisticated spraying technology, we can control the structure and particle size of the powders, from fine spray to agglomerated products.
General Properties and Specifications of Soy sauce powder or Soya sauce powder: