CAS No.: | 8061-51-6 |
Molecular Weight: | Varies g/mol |
Chemical Formula | Varies |
Sodium lignosulfonate or Lignosulfonic Acid Sodium Salt is used in the food industry as a de-foaming agent, for paper production and in adhesives, for items that come in contact with food. It has preservative properties, and is used as an ingredient in animal feeds. It is also used for construction, ceramics, mineral powder, chemical industry, textile industry leather, metallurgical industry, petroleum industry, fire-retardant materials, rubber vulcanization, organic polymerization.
Sodium Lignosulfonate FCC Food Grade:
CAS 8061-51-6
Sodium Lignosulfonate occurs as a brown, amorphous polymer. It is obtained from the spent sulfite and sulfate pulping liquor of wood or from the sulfate (kraft) pulping process. It may contain up to 30% reducing sugars. It is soluble in water, but not in any of the common organic solvents. The pH of a 1:100 aqueous solution is approximately between 3 and 11.
Function: Binder; dispersant; boiler water additive.