CAS No.: | 9001-73-4 |
Molecular Weight: | NA g/mol |
Chemical Formula | NA |
Papain also known as Papaya proteinase I is a proteolytic enzyme extracted from the raw fruit of the papaya plant. Proteolytic enzymes help break proteins down into smaller protein fragments called peptides and amino acids. This is why papain is a popular ingredient in meat tenderizer. Papain is a popular folk remedy to reduce pain, inflammation, and swelling. It has also been used to improve digestion and to treat infections, diarrhea, and allergies. Papain may also ease digestive symptoms like constipation and bloating. Papain is used in cosmetics, toothpaste, contact lens cleaners, meat tenderizers, meat products, animal feed and poultry feed.
General Properties and Specifications of Papain powder also known as Papaya proteinase I:
Physical Appearance: Off-white to light-yellow colored amorphous powder.
pH: 4 To 7
Solubility: Soluble in water. Forms clear solution.
TPC: 50‘000 cfu/g maximum.
Coliforms: 30 cfu/g maximum.
E. Coli: Absent.
Salmonella: Absent.
Storage: 2C to 8C. Short term shipping may be at room temperature.
Papain Powder (Refined) (800 – 1000 TU/Mg) |
Papain Powder (Refined) (500 TU/Mg) |
Papain Powder (Refined) (100 TU/Mg) |
Specifications of Papain USP Grade:
Papain --- [CAS 9001-73-4].
Papain is a purified proteolytic substance derived from Carica papaya Linné (Fam. Caricaceae). Papain, prepared as directed in the Assay, contains NLT 6000 Units/mg. Papain of a higher digestive power may be reduced to the official standard by admixture with papain of lower activity, lactose, or other suitable diluents.
One USP Unit of Papain activity is that which releases the equivalent of 1 micro-g of tyrosine from a specified casein substrate under the conditions of the Assay, using the enzyme concentration that liberates 40 micro-g of tyrosine per mL of Sample solution.
Casein Digestive Power:
To pass the test.
Acceptance criteria: NLT 6000 Units/mg