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CAS No.: 10416-59-8
Molecular Weight: 203.43 g/mol
Chemical Formula C8H21NOSi2

N,O-Bis(Trimethylsilyl)acetamide or BSA is used in analytical chemistry to increase the volatility of analytes. It is also used to introduce the trimethylsilyl protecting group in organic synthesis. It is moisture sensitive.

General Properties and Specifications of N,O-Bis(Trimethylsilyl)acetamide or BSA:
Appearance: Clear, colourless to pale yellow liquid.
Assay (GC): 95.0% minimum.
Relative Density: about 0.83 @ 20C.
Melting Point: 24C.
Flash Point: 44C.
Solubility: Reacts with water.
Storage: 8C to 25C (Cool & dry area).