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CAS No.: 67604-48-2
Molecular Weight: 272.26 g/mol
Chemical Formula C15H12O5

Naringenin is an antioxidant flavonoid found in citrus fruits with anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and antitumor properties. It induces apoptosis, stimulates DNA repair following oxidative damage, and inhibits the activity of PI 3-kinase (PI(3)K).

General Properties and Specifications of Naringenin:
Appearance: White to pale yellow powder.
Assay (HPLC): 95% minimum.
Solubility in 5% methanol: Clear to slightly hazy, colorless to yellow to brown.
Relative Density: 1.49 predicted.
Melting Point: 247C to 252C literature.
Boiling Point: 577C predicted.
Storage: 2C to 8C (Refrigerate).