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CAS No.: 110-71-4
Molecular Weight: 90.12 g/mol
Chemical Formula C4H10O2

Monoglyme or Dimethoxyethane, or Glyme or  Dimethyl glycol or Ethylene glycol dimethyl ether or Dimethyl cellosolve or DME, is a colorless liquid that is used as a solvent, especially in batteries.

General Properties and Specifications of Monoglyme or Dimethoxyethane or Glyme or  Dimethyl glycol or Ethylene glycol dimethyl ether or Dimethyl cellosolve or DME:
Appearance: Colorless liquid.
Odor: Sharp odor.
Assay: 99.5%
Moisture: 0.015% maximum.
Relative density: about 0.87
Melting point: -58C literature.
Boiling point: 85C literature.
Flash point: -2C literature.
Auto-ignition temperature: 202C.
Solubility: Soluble in water.