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Kojic Acid

CAS No.: 501-30-4
Molecular Weight: 142.11 g/mol
Chemical Formula C6H6O4

Kojic Acid or 5-Hydroxy-2-Hydroxymethyl-4-Pyranone is used in dermal whitening. It is a mild inhibitor of the formation of pigment in plant and animal tissues and is used in food and cosmetics to preserve or change colors of substances. Kojic acid may be used on cut fruits to prevent oxidative browning, in seafood to preserve pink and red colors, and in cosmetics to lighten skin.

General Properties and Specifications of Kojic Acid or 5-Hydroxy-2-Hydroxymethyl-4-Pyranone:
Appearance: White to cream to pale brown Crystalline powder.
Solubility of 2% solution in Methanol: Clear.
Assay (HPLC): 99% minimum.
Melting Point: 152C to 156C.