CAS No.: | 10058-44-3 |
Molecular Weight: | 745.20 g/mol |
Chemical Formula | Fe4(P2O7)3 |
Iron Pyrophosphate or Ferric pyrophosphate is a water-insoluble Fe compound used to fortify infant cereals and chocolate-drink powders as it causes no organoleptic changes to the food vehicle.
Ferric Pyrophosphate FCC Food Grade
Iron Pyrophosphate
Fe4(P2O7)3·xH2O Formula wt, anhydrous 745.22
CAS: [10058-44-3]
DESCRIPTIONFerric Pyrophosphate occurs as a tan or yellow-white powder. It is insoluble in water, but is soluble in mineral acids.
Function: Nutrient.
Identification: Dissolve 500 mg of sample in 5 mL of 1:2 hydrochloric acid, and add an excess of 1 N sodium hydroxide. A red-brown precipitate forms. Allow the solution to stand for several minutes, and then filter, discarding the first few milliliters. Add 1 drop of bromophenol blue to 5 mL of the clear filtrate, and titrate with 1 N hydrochloric acid to a green color. Add 10 mL of a 1:8 solution of zinc sulfate and readjust the pH to 3.8 (green color). A white precipitate forms (distinction from orthophosphates).
Assay: Not less than 24.0% and not more than 26.0% of Fe.
Arsenic: Not more than 3 mg/kg.
Lead: Not more than 4 mg/kg.
Loss on Ignition: Not more than 20.0%.
Mercury: Not more than 3 mg/kg.
We also supply material with low microbial count as under:
Total aerobic microbial count: Not more than 1000 cfu/gm (typically less than 100 cfu/gm).
Total combined yeast and mould count: Not more than 100 cfu/gm (typically less than 10 cfu/gm).
E. coli: Absent.
S. typhi: Absent.
S. aereus: Absent.
P. aeruginosa: Absent.
We also manufacture and supply micro-encapsulated Iron Pyrophosphate or Ferric Pyrophosphate.