CAS No.: | 9004-36-8 |
Molecular Weight: | NA g/mol |
Chemical Formula | NA |
Cellulose acetate butyrate or CAB or Cellaburate is related derivatives of cellulose, which is used in inks and coatings. Cellulose acetate butyrate is a thermoplastic cellulose ester with 30% to 55% weight butyryl content. It has many attractive properties such as low viscosity, high transparency and surface gloss, improved resistance to moisture and ultraviolet light (UV), and good inter-coat adhesion. CABs are compatible with many resin systems, including most acrylic, polyester, phenolic, urea and isocyanate. Majority of cellulose acetate butyrate is consumed for making cigarette filters.
General Properties and Specifications of Cellulose, acetate butyrate or Cellaburate:
Appearance: White, off-white or greyish-white powder or granules, slightly hygroscopic.
Assay: To meet acetyl and butyryl content.
Relative density: around 1.2
Specifications of Cellaburate USP NF Grade:
Cellulose, acetate butanoate;
Cellulose, acetate butyrate;
Cellulose butyrate acetate;
Cellulose acetate butyrate --- [CAS 9004-36-8].
Cellaburate is a reaction product of cellulose, acetic anhydride or acetic acid, and butyric acid or butyric anhydride. It contains NLT 1.0% and NMT 41.0% of acetyl (C2H3O) groups, by weight, and NLT 5.0% and NMT 56.0% of butyryl (C4H7O) groups, by weight, calculated on the previously dried, acid-free basis.
A. Infrared Absorption: To pass the test.
Acetyl and Butyryl Content:
To pass the test by chromatography.
Acceptance criteria: 1.0%–41.0% of acetyl (C2H3O) groups and 5.0%–56.0% of butyryl (C4H7O) groups on the previously dried, acid-free basis
Residue on Ignition: NMT 0.1%
Limit of Free Acid:
To pass the test
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.1%
Water Determination: NMT 5.0%, using a mixture of methylene chloride and methanol (2:1) in place of the methanol solvent
Packaging and Storage: Preserve in tight containers. No storage requirements specified.
Labeling: The labeling indicates the nominal percentage ranges of the acetyl and butyryl groups.
Specifications of Cellulose Acetate Butyrate BP Ph Eur Grade:
Action and use: Excipient.
Partly or completely O-acetylated and O-butyrated cellulose.
-acetyl groups (C2H3O): 2.0 per cent to 30.0 per cent (dried substance); 90.0 per cent to 110.0 per cent of that stated on the label (dried substance);
-butyryl groups (C4H7O): 16.0 per cent to 53.0 per cent (dried substance); 90.0 per cent to 110.0 per cent of that stated on the label (dried substance).
Appearance: White, yellowish-white or greyish-white powder or granules, slightly hygroscopic.
Solubility: Practically insoluble in water, soluble in acetone, in formic acid and in a mixture of equal volumes of methanol and methylene chloride, practically insoluble in ethanol (96 per cent).
A. Infrared absorption spectrophotometry.
Comparison cellulose acetate butyrate.
The intensity of the bands may vary according to the degree of substitution.
B. It complies with the limits of the assay.
Acidity: To 5.00 g in a 250 mL conical flask, add 150 mL of carbon dioxide-free water, insert the stopper, swirl the suspension gently and allow to stand for 3 h. Filter, wash the flask and the filter with carbon dioxide-free water. Combine the filtrate and washings. Add 0.1 mL of phenolphthalein solution. Not more than 3.0 mL of 0.01 M sodium hydroxide is required to change the colour of the indicator.
Loss on drying: Maximum 2.0 per cent, determined on 1.000 g by drying in an oven at 105C for 3 h.
Total ash: Maximum 0.1 per cent.
In an airtight container.
For Original Monographs of IP Indian Pharmacopoeia BP British Pharmacopoeia USP US Pharmacopoeia FCC Food Grade product, please check with the respective web-pages or books.