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CAS No.: 100-46-9
Molecular Weight: 107.16 g/mol
Chemical Formula C7H9N

Benzylamine or Benzyl Amine or Phenylmethanamine is a colorless water-soluble liquid used in the industrial production of many pharmaceuticals.

General Properties and Specifications of Benzylamine or Benzyl Amine or Phenylmethanamine:
Appearance: Colorless liquid.
Odor: Weak, ammonia-like.
Assay: 99.5% minimum.
Moisture: 0.3% maximum.
pH: 11.4 for 100 g/l in water @ 20C.
Relative Density: about 0.98
Melting Point: 10C.
Boiling Point: 185C.
Flash Point: 65C.
Auto-ignition temperature: 405C.
Solubility: Miscible with water. miscible in ethanol, diethyl ether very soluble in acetone.