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Ammoniated Mercuric Chloride

CAS No.: 10124-48-8
Molecular Weight: 252.065 g/mol
Chemical Formula ClH2HgN

Mercuric amidochloride is an inorganic compound with the formula HgNH2Cl. It consists of a zig-zag 1-dimensional polymer (HgNH2)n with chloride counterions. Ammoniated mercury chloride is white to milky white powdered material. Ammoniated mercury chloride is also known as mercuric amidochloride, mercury(ii) amide chloride, mercury(ii) amidochloride, ammoniated mercury. Ammoniated mercury is used to treat impetigo, psoriasis, minor skin infections, and other skin disorders.

Specifications of Ammoniated mercuric chloride or Ammoniated mercury chloride:
Description: white, odorless powder
Solubility: 2% solution in acetic acid is clear and colourless
Assay: 97-100. 2%
Mercurous mercury: pass to test
Residue on ignition: maximum 0. 01%
Sulfate: maximum 0. 005%
Other heavy metals (as Pb): maximum 0. 002%
Iron (Fe): maximum 0. 002%.

Ammoniated Mercury USP Grade:
Hg(NH2 )Cl --- 252.07
Mercury amide chloride --- CAS 10124-48-8.

Ammoniated Mercury contains NLT 98.0% and NMT 100.5% of ammoniated mercury [Hg(NH2 )Cl].

Sample: 0.1 g
Analysis: Place the Sample in a cold solution of 1 g of sodium thiosulfate in 2 mL of water.
Acceptance criteria: The Sample is soluble, with the evolution of ammonia. When this solution is heated gently, a rust-colored mixture is formed, from which a red precipitate is obtained on centrifugation. If the solution is strongly heated, a black mixture forms.
Sample: A suitable quantity.
Analysis: Heat the Sample with 1 N sodium hydroxide.
Acceptance criteria: The solution becomes yellow, and ammonia is evolved.
Sample solution: A suitable quantity in warm acetic acid.
Analysis: Sample solution with potassium iodide.
Acceptance criteria: The solution yields a red precipitate that is soluble in an excess of the reagent. The solution yields a white precipitate with silver nitrate.

Sample solution: Mix 0.25 g of Ammoniated Mercury with 10 mL of water. Add 3 g of potassium iodide, mix occasionally until dissolved, add about 40 mL of water, and add methyl red.
Analysis: Titrate with 0.1 N hydrochloric acid VS. Perform a blank determination, and make any necessary correction. Each mL of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid is equivalent to 12.60 mg of ammoniated mercury [Hg(NH2 )Cl].
Acceptance criteria: 98.0%–100.5%

Residue on Ignition: NMT 0.2%
Mercurous Compounds:
Sample: 2.5 g
Analysis: Dissolve the Sample in 25 mL of warm hydrochloric acid. Pass through a tared filtering crucible, wash with water, and dry at 60° to constant weight.
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.2%; the weight of the residue does not exceed 5 mg.