CAS No.: | 123-08-0 |
Molecular Weight: | 115.09 g/mol |
Chemical Formula | C7H6O2 or 4-(OH)C6H4CHO |
4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde or para-Hydroxybenzaldehyde or 4-Formylphenol is one of the three isomers of hydroxybenzaldehyde. It is also found in vanilla. 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde is used as a pharmaceutical intermediate and an important initial raw material for quite a number of raw drugs and spices.
General Properties and Specifications of 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde or para-Hydroxybenzaldehyde or 4-Formylphenol:
Appearance: Off-white or light-yellow crystal.
Odor: Vanilla nutty odor.
Assay: 99.5%
Moisture Content: 0.5%
Melting point: 114.5C-117.5C.
Boiling point: 191C @ 50 mm Hg or 310C at 1 atmosphere.
Flash point: 174C.
Auto-Ignition temperature: 450C.
Relative density: around 1.13
Solubility: Soluble in water.
Storage: Store below 30C.