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CAS No.: 99-93-4
Molecular Weight: 136.15 g/mol
Chemical Formula C8H8O2

4-Hydroxyacetophenone or Piceol is used in the synthesis of several pharmaceutical drugs

General Properties and Specifications of 4-Hydroxyacetophenone or Piceol or 4-Hydroxyphenylethanone or p-Acetophenol or p-Hydroxyphenyl methyl ketone:
Appearance: White  powder or crystalline solid. Hygroscopic.
Assay: 99% minimum.
Relative density: around 1.1
Melting point: 109C to 111C.
Boiling point: 147C to 148C.
Flash point: 166C.
Solubility: Slightly soluble in water.
Storage: Store below 30C.