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2,7-Dichlorofluorescein Diacetate

CAS No.: 4091-99-0
Molecular Weight: 487.29 g/mol
Chemical Formula C24H16Cl2O7

2,7-Dichlorofluorescein Diacetate or DCFH-DA or 2-(3,6-Diacetoxy-2,7-dichloroxanthen-9-yl)benzoic Acid is a cell-permeable fluorogenic probe that is useful for the detection of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (•NO) and for the determination of the degree of overall oxidative stress.

General Properties and Specifications of 2,7-Dichlorofluorescein Diacetate or DCFH-DA or 2-(3,6-Diacetoxy-2,7-dichloroxanthen-9-yl)benzoic Acid:
Appearance: White to off - white to pale yellow crystalline powder.
Assay: 97% minimum.
Melting Point: 203C to 207C. And 232C is also reported. Literature.
Storage: -20C. Deep freeze.