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1,3 Dibromo 5,5 Dimethylhydantoin

CAS No.: 77-48-5
Molecular Weight: 285.92 g/mol
Chemical Formula C5H6Br2N2O2

DBDMH or 1,3-Dibromo-5,5-Dimethylhydantoin is an organic compound derived from the heterocycle called dimethylhydantoin. This white crystalline compound with a slight bromine odor is widely used as a disinfectant used for drinking water purification, recreational water treatment, as a bleaching agent in pulp and paper mills, and for treating industrial/commercial water cooling systems.

Specification of 1,3-Dibromo-5,5 Dimethylhydantion or DBDMH or Dibromantin or Dibromodimethylhydantoin:
CAS number : 77-48-5
Molecular formula: C5H6Br2N2O2
Molecular weight: 285.92
Description: Pale yellow powder
Odor: Faint odor of bromine
Melting point: 186C to 194C
Loss on drying: 1% maximum.
Fe content: 10ppm maximum
Iron: 10 ppm maximum
Zinc: 0.5ppm maximum.
Bromine content: 55% to 55.8%
Assay: 98% minimum.