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CAS No.: 321-38-0
Molecular Weight: 388.88 g/mol
Chemical Formula C10H7F

1-Fluoronaphthalene or alpha-Fluoronaphthalene or or α-Fluoronaphthalene: CAS Number: 321-38-0, EINECS EC Number: 206-287-0, Molecular Formula: C10H7F, Molecular Weight: 146.16, HS Code ---**

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α-Fluoronaphthalene or alpha-Fluoronaphthalene Pure Suppliers

1-Fluoronaphthalene or alpha-Fluoronaphthalene is an organo-fluorine chemical compound from the group of naphthalene derivatives and fluoroaromatics. Its chemical formula is C10H7F. 1-Fluoronaphthalene is a colorless, combustible liquid, insoluble in water.

General Properties and Specifications of 1-Fluoronaphthalene or alpha-Fluoronaphthalene or α- Fluoronaphthalene:
Appearance: Colorless to Orange to Green clear liquid.
Assay: 99% minimum.
Relative density: around 1.13
Melting point: -13C.
Boiling point: 215C.
Flash point: 65C.
Solubility: Insoluble in water.